Kevyn Trammell is one of those people that is always doing something…Kevyn doesn’t stay idle long. Kevyn is a teacher. She is one of those who are shaping our youth as they progress with their education. She has been working with kids off and on, in some way, shape or form, for about 20 years […]
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Author: Lee
Honor…some men personify it
Nicholas Wertheim, born in 1909, was one of those men. Born in London to German Jewish parents, he grew to become a banker of no little success. But that success was inconsequential when his life a whole is considered.
Happy 4th of July!
Today we celebrate the adoption of a document that was to become one of the most monumental entries in human history…The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. Something like that isn’t just a spur of the moment decision. This document listed grievances. All of which had previously been brought before the British Legislature and had returned […]
Reunions and such
1989 was a good year. It was the last year of the 80s. I mean, who remembers the 90s…really? Ronald Reagan gave his farewell speech in January, new owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, fires 29 year coach Tom Landry in February, the Exxon Valdez ran aground and spilled about 240,000 barrels of oil in […]
‘Unfriend’…a curious term
A friend of mine on facebook…he’s actually a friend…I mean in real life…not just on facebook…anyway, this friend posted a status that struck a chord. Oh, and I hope he doesn’t mind my calling him a ‘friend’…lol
It’s where you left it
You’ve probably had those times in your life where you have had to go talk things through with someone. That someone is usually someone you trust. The little talks, in my experience start in much the same way every time. They usually start with that someone saying something like, “have a seat. Now, tell me […]
How ya makin’ it?
In my blog post the other day, I mentioned being at the local gun show. Well, while I was at the gun show, someone helped themselves to the new Samsung Galaxy S5 that I had only gotten about three weeks ago. I laid it down and was chatting with the guy at the next able […]
Wargamers are a different kind of people. They have been around for a loooong time…before computers…before modern times even. Since the dawn of time, there has been warfare of some kind. It is part of human nature whether we want to admit it or not. What wars have been fought over may have changed but […]
Not so crazy
The local gun show was this last weekend. We have one about every other month here. The next one will be in August. Gun shows are a curious thing nowadays. They have changed quite a bit. They used to be more of a swap meet kind of thing where folks just traded. Now, it is […]
How much time ya got?
Today is Father’s Day, a day in which we honor our fathers. Scripture tells us to honor our father and mother. It doesn’t give any exceptions to this. It doesn’t say to honor him if he is a good dad…it says honor him. I happened to have been blessed by God with one of the good ones. In addition to God […]