Names are the only thing in life that is really yours. It probably irritates you when someone gets your name wrong.
Texas Gun FAQs Part 2
Continuing this series on frequently asked questions regarding guns, this installment will discuss WHERE you can legally have a gun.
Water in the boat…
Yesterday was Sunday. As with most every other Sunday, you will find me at Grace Fellowship Church in Flint, Texas. During the sermon, Pastor Robert told a story about bustin’ a hole in the bottom of his boat out on the lake one day. Robert talks about hunting and fishing quite a bit…lol.
Stopped Turning…
Where were you? I drove to work like I always did. I have (in my mind) entirely too much good music on my iPod to be listening to the radio. Besides, they don’t play my kinda music on the radio much at all.
Texas Gun FAQs Part 1
Anyone who knows me knows that I am into guns and gun rights. Folks who know this know they can ask me questions about it any time they like. But just as with my faith, I am by no means an expert but I know where I can get the answers.
Did I get your attention?…lol…sometimes I try to be like a real blogger. It wasn’t long ago when I finally asked my daughter what ‘SMH’ meant (I don’t text if I can avoid it.)
Do you even AR bro? Part 6
OK…in Part 5, I finished that entry with all the parts I need to have a functional rifle. I decided to add some style to this rifle and I have a friend who does firearms coating using DuraCoat Firearm Finishes. I just had to figure out the color. I was either gonna go with an […]
We lost ‘the Donald’…
Do you even AR bro? Part 5
In part four, we left off at the barrel nut working our way forward. I am really enjoying this experience if y’all haven’t noticed…lol. Barrels are one of the foundational parts on a rifle. You tend to get what you pay for more often than not. You can go cheap and find a barrel like […]
The last Monday in May…
On behalf of myself and my fellow veterans, I want to say how appreciative we are that our service is recognized favorably. There have been times in our nation’s history when this was not the case as a general rule. It is a good environment to be a veteran nowadays. On Memorial Day weekend, everyone […]