Kevyn Trammell is one of those people that is always doing something…Kevyn doesn’t stay idle long. Kevyn is a teacher. She is one of those who are shaping our youth as they progress with their education. She has been working with kids off and on, in some way, shape or form, for about 20 years […]
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Category: Amazing People
Honor…some men personify it
Nicholas Wertheim, born in 1909, was one of those men. Born in London to German Jewish parents, he grew to become a banker of no little success. But that success was inconsequential when his life a whole is considered.
‘Unfriend’…a curious term
A friend of mine on facebook…he’s actually a friend…I mean in real life…not just on facebook…anyway, this friend posted a status that struck a chord. Oh, and I hope he doesn’t mind my calling him a ‘friend’…lol
How much time ya got?
Today is Father’s Day, a day in which we honor our fathers. Scripture tells us to honor our father and mother. It doesn’t give any exceptions to this. It doesn’t say to honor him if he is a good dad…it says honor him. I happened to have been blessed by God with one of the good ones. In addition to God […]
70 years ago…
…brave men stepped off the ramps onto a beach in northern France. Last year, I had the opportunity to visit the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana. They have a Higgins boat on display in the entry hall. I watched as an older gentleman walked down the ramp and took one big step off of the end.
J’o ako téé’go nise báá
Back in 1941, a group of Navajo kids at a boarding school were visited by a Marine Corps recruiter. As a Navajo, they grew up with their world, as they knew it, being a rough square defined by four mountains in the western United States. But they did understand that, about 3000 miles away, another […]