My wife surprised me a while back. I had made comments about how it would be neat to have Marine Corps license plates on my truck. ‘Vanity’ plates are not cheap in Texas. The ones my wife wants have the three crosses where the Marine Corps seal is on the example below…but they cost more […]
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Tag: war
Wargamers are a different kind of people. They have been around for a loooong time…before computers…before modern times even. Since the dawn of time, there has been warfare of some kind. It is part of human nature whether we want to admit it or not. What wars have been fought over may have changed but […]
70 years ago…
…brave men stepped off the ramps onto a beach in northern France. Last year, I had the opportunity to visit the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana. They have a Higgins boat on display in the entry hall. I watched as an older gentleman walked down the ramp and took one big step off of the end.
J’o ako téé’go nise báá
Back in 1941, a group of Navajo kids at a boarding school were visited by a Marine Corps recruiter. As a Navajo, they grew up with their world, as they knew it, being a rough square defined by four mountains in the western United States. But they did understand that, about 3000 miles away, another […]